How reliable is Mercedes-Benz?

Is Mercedes-Benz reliable? An impartial look at the luxury brand’s reliability

Are you thinking about buying a Mercedes? If you’re looking to buy one, rather than leasing, you need to take into account something other than how powerful, luxurious and fast a Mercedes is – you also have to take a look at its reliability.

We know, it’s not the most exciting topic, but it’s important that you do some research into reliability when you’re thinking about buying a new car. Cars that aren’t reliable cause their owners no end of frustration, and they can cost a lot of money.

Historically, German cars have been dogged by question marks over their reliability, but what about Mercedes? Are its cars reliable? Or are you going to find that your brand new C-Class is going to be spending far more time off the road than on it? In this article, we’re going to investigate claims of reliability and how they affect the Mercedes brand.

Is Mercedes reliable?

When you begin your search into the reliability of any product, including that brand new car you’ve got your eye on, consumer reports are a really good starting point.

Two of the most reliable sources of information for dependability are Which? and ReliabilityIndex.

Every year, Which? conduct a reliability survey, contacting 1,000s of consumers, requesting information about their vehicles. The reports provide an interesting picture of the reliability of multiple manufacturers, their reliability and the problems many experienced when driving them.

In the 2019 Which? Reliability Survey, newer Mercedes (aged 3 years and under) were awarded 3-stars in the site’s 5-star ranking. This is not hugely impressive for newer vehicles, as it means they were found to be just average.

Owners of older vehicles that were aged between 3 and 8 years experienced no specific issues, however, the manufacturer still only earned an average rating of 3-stars.

In the 2019 ReliabilityIndex report – one which takes into account the number of problems owners experienced over the 12 months prior to the report – Mercedes placed 30 out of 40 manufacturers in the listings. They were also awarded a score of 173. While this is not as low as the 774 that Maserati was given in the same study, 173 is still considered rather average, with manufacturers and vehicles scoring over 100 found to be less reliable. According to ReliabilityIndex, Mercedes has the same level of dependability as Jeep.

Why is Mercedes unreliable?

So, we’ve established that Mercedes isn’t considered one of the more reliable manufacturers. But why is this the case?

It is interesting to note that a large number of the more unreliable vehicles come from the premium automakers. For many years Alfa Romeo was at the top of the ReliabilityIndex as the most unreliable manufacturer. However, in recent years this has changed, with Maserati and Bentley taking its place.

One of the main reasons that Mercedes and other premium brands have been awarded poor reliability scores is down to the fact that they include a great deal of new technology, which means that there is a lot more that can go wrong. One of the most common issues experienced by owners of Mercedes’ vehicles is with non-engine electrics.

Mercedes vehicles are packed with new technology and earlier this year the new MBUX (Mercedes-Benz User Experience) system including a top-of-the-range infotainment system was introduced in the latest A-Class models. This system was later introduced in other models from the German manufacturer.

Mercedes is quick to adopt new technology, however, as with anything, the more that is added to it, the more there is to go wrong.

Mercedes actually produce fantastic engines. As long as you maintain your vehicle, get it serviced and change the oil exactly when you are meant to, your car should hold up – in theory. The problem is that the more technical bits might go wrong.

How reliable is the Mercedes A-Class?

As with any brand, some Mercedes models are more dependable than others.

The A-Class doesn’t quite make it onto the ReliabilityIndex list of the top 100 reliable vehicles for 2019. The model has earned a score of 132, placing it behind the Mercedes CLC, the E-Class, and the C-Class.

With an average repair cost of £463.70 and just over 3 hours off the road when repairs are needed. According to ReliabilityIndex, the most common issue experienced by owners of the A-Class was with the electrical system. Over 38% of owners who reported an issue were experiencing problems with their electrics. On the positive side, however, no one who participated in reliability studies reported having any trouble with the braking system, which is encouraging.

Is Mercedes reliable? Mercedes A Class Saloon

In the 2019 Which? Reliability Survey, the A-Class earned 3-stars. This is an average score, so on par with the scores earned by the E-Class, and higher than Mercedes’ poorer scoring (2-star) GLC model. According to the data gathered from survey participants, the A-Class, owners of the petrol version experienced more problems than those who drove diesel. The most commonly reported issue was related to airbags at 20%. Another problem that was regularly reported by owners was connected to getting the petrol model started.

Owners of older models (3 years and over) also experienced issues with safety equipment, with 14% (6% less than in newer models) reporting they had problems with their airbags.

Overall, looking at the results from both Which? and ReliabilityIndex, the Mercedes A-Class is average when it comes to being a dependable vehicle. But it had an upgrade earlier this year (after data was collected for 2019), so we are waiting for reliability reviews on the newer model, complete with new, more advanced, technology to see how it performs in comparison with its predecessors.

See yourself behind the wheel of a new Mercedes A-Class Hatchback? Get in touch with our experienced team. Just request a callback or contact us now on 01903 538835.

How reliable is the Mercedes E-Class

When we look at our figures, the Mercedes E-Class is the most popular range of vehicles that Mercedes produces. The E-Class scores better than the A-Class and S-Class, but the C-Class appears above it on the ReliabilityIndex top 100 cars list.

With a score of 80 in the 2019 ReliabilityIndex report, when it needs repairs, the E-Class spends an average of 2 hours and 20 minutes off the road and will cost its owner around £380.04 when it suffers any mechanical issues.

According to ReliabilityIndex, owners who have an E-Class are more likely to report issues with their electrical systems, with 29.41% of owners who participated in the annual survey, disclosing that they had needed to take their vehicle in to get it repaired.When Which? conducted their annual reliability survey for 2019, the newer E-Class models were awarded 3-stars out of 5. When asked about their experiences over the 12-months running up to the survey, 33% of owners reported that it had been necessary for them to take their vehicles in for a service. 10% stated that they had problems with the exterior trim, while 10% reported problems with their fuel systems.

The E-Class has experienced a few large issues over the last decade, having had problems with the fuel injection system and the airbags which made it necessary for Mercedes to conduct a mass recall in order to repair them. However, 2019 has been a good year when it comes to recalls, with no widely-reported issues requiring urgent repair.

Like the look of the Mercedes E-Class Saloon? Get in touch with our experienced team. Just request a callback or contact us now on 01903 538835.

How reliable is the Mercedes C-Class?

The C-Class is one of the more popular models that Mercedes produces. Whether it’s the estate, saloon or coupe, reliability standards are similar across the board.

The C-Class came in at 86th on the ReliabilityIndex 100 most reliable car list for 2019 with a score of 71, which is almost 50% lower than the score earned by the A-Class range.

Though it appears to be a more reliable car, the cost of repairs is still relatively high in comparison with other manufacturers. The average repair cost for C-Class models comes in at just under £430. If something does go wrong though, luckily you will spend less time off the road than you would if something went wrong with your A-Class or B-Class, at an estimated 2 hours and 10 minutes. When it comes to the things that people reported having the most issues with, the electrical system came out on top. 33.07% of owners had problems with their electrics. The area that fewest had difficulty with was the transmission, with only 0.39% stating that they had needed to get theirs repaired.

In the 2019 Which? reliability survey, the newer C-Class models, those aged between 0 and 3 years, performed quite well, earning 4-stars out of 5. According to the considerable number of owners who participated, petrol models performed better than diesel, with 16% of petrol owners reporting issues, while 37% of diesel owners had problems.

Is Mercedes reliable? Mercedes C Class Coupe

For diesel owners, the biggest issue they reported was with their engine management system, with 6% stating that this is why their vehicles had needed repair.

When it came to the older models, aged between 3 and 8 years, the reliability, according to Which?, drops down to 3-stars. Car faults grow increasingly worse the older the model gets, model reliability decreases by a further 10%. The most common issues that the older cars are reported for include problems with the airbags and issues with the exhaust/emissions system.

Interested in leasing, buying or financing a Mercedes C-Class Coupe? We can help. Just request a callback or contact us now on 01903 538835.

Should I buy, lease or hire a Mercedes?

Mercedes have the reputation of making high-quality, luxury vehicles that are a pleasure to drive and give off an aura of professionalism and elegance. So, it’s understandable that they are one of the top vehicles of choice when it comes to business cars.

If you love the look of a Mercedes and have often dreamed of parking one on your driveway or driving one to the office, then what’s stopping you?

If you’ve been thinking about getting a brand-new Mercedes – whether it’s the A-Class, B-Class or even the giant G-Wagon; you like the look of them, have long-admired the reputation of the brand and find their stylish exterior and luxurious interior perfectly fit your needs, then a lease might be the perfect route for you to take. And, even better, if you decide to go with a fully-maintained lease you will have peace of mind that any of the issues that may occur with your Mercedes are covered. So you can have all of the comfort and luxury associated with the excitement of one of these German classics minus the anxiety.On one hand, we can applaud them for the fact that they adopt new technology into their models quickly, but on the other, electrics are a core issue they are reported for when it comes to common problem areas and, therefore, a reason why they often have a low reliability score.

However, they do have an impressive score for build quality and overall performance. So it depends on what is more important to you as a driver and buyer.

Ultimately, Mercedes-Benz still makes great cars that are worth the money, but we can’t ignore that the new technology could lead to problems later down the line.

Data included in this article was correct at time of publication, October 2019.


Request a callback from one of our experienced vehicle specialists or call us now on
01903 538835.

72 thoughts on “Is Mercedes-Benz reliable? An impartial look at the luxury brand’s reliability”

    1. I actually owned a brand new 2006 C240 which was the probably the worst purchase I have ever made. The A/C went out twice in the first year and I live in Arizona which dumbfounded me. Things went down from there to the point of transmission problems where the car wouldn’t go over 20 mph no matter how hard to pressing down on the accelerator, conveniently termed the “Mercedes shuffle” from car repair institutions that encountered vehicles with this same problem. The only way to remedy this problem was to pull over and turn the car off and back on. You would never have any pre warning that the problem was about to occur and always happening when trying to merge into traffic or exiting on an off ramp. We actually had a our mechanic who worked on nothing but European vehicles suggest to us to get rid of it which we did. Fast forward to 2018 and I can’t believe I am actually considering another one. After all these years I’m not sure if things have gotten any better.

      1. Rachel Richardson

        Thank you for your message. If you’re in the UK and interested in finding out more about the Mercedes models currently on the market we would be happy to discuss your options on the brand and how best to get one with you.

  1. You overlook fundamental flaws Consumer Reports’ reliability surveys. Their sampling method is unscientific and non-random. When CR ask owners to report problems with their car, only owners who “feel like doing so” will respond. Highly satisfied and dissatisfied owners are much more likely to respond than owners with “average” experience. The responses are “polarized”. CR is aware of the bias but fails to mention it. Secondly, owners often do not really know what the source of their problem was/is. Thirdly, how can CR be sure that the respondents actually own or use the vehicle? When Toyota and GM jointly produced a vehicle in California, the Toyota was rated more reliable. Ford was once at the top of the reliability scale now is i the mid range. Did the quality really fluctuate that widely? Imagine a drug company evaluating the effectiveness of a drug by handing out questionaires and the waiting for responses (or not).
    So, before we cite CR as the bible of reliability data, let’s be aware of its shortcomings.

    1. Hi Fred, Thank you so much for taking the time to highlight to our readers your thoughts, we would hope that anyone making a decision on any products advantages or disadvantages would use various methods of research to satisfy their own needs. Our viewpoint also comes from 20 years of motor experience but we always value our readers’ feedback.

  2. I thought the article answered most of the important questions, especially for those with little or no experience with these luxury brands.
    Cars are expensive and you need all the information you can get.
    I say we’ll done
    Regards Paul

  3. MB’s made earlier than 2010 are prone to engine and fuel delivery problems. Visit MB forums and you’ll see why. Many of the reported problems on engine issues are cold/hot hard-start sometimes stranding drivers for hours…or WORSE, engine cuts-off suddenly while driving. Fuel delivery is another common problem where it can cause hard starts or poor engine performance. Later model have the same engine and fuel delivery problems but you can add suspension to that. MB decided to use active body control(ACB) which can leak fluid which can lower the car body so low that you cant drive it…add $$$$ to repair it. These and among many other issues with MB is why I will never buy another Mecedes again.

  4. my merc C240 stripped the transmission gear oil pipe and spilled all of it, since then even after refilling it, it just can not change gears to the extent that it just makes a lot of noise not gaining speed. how do i remedy the problem moreover the car is a second automatic. the first person to service it on arrival in Botswana set it at a10 000km service interval. is that the standard service interval or was he just after making a kill out of me servicing many a times

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Thank you for your post and I am sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues. As we are based in the UK I am unable to refer you to anyone, or provide you with guidance on the solution. It may be that a forum would be a good place for you to get further advice. Good luck.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Sonya,
      Thank you for your message. Sorry to hear that you’ve had so many problems with your Mercedes. I am sure that our readers will find your experience helpful.

  5. My 2014 Mercedes E350 has never had a problem. However, the tires wore out at 32000 miles, and my driving is extremely conservative. I’d avoid new models – wait until the 3rd or 4th model year for whatever you buy.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Bob,
      Thank you for your comment. It’s great to hear about your positive experiences with your Mercedes. I am sure our readers will find your views helpful.

    2. I have a 2007 E – 350 and it is the best car I have ever owned. I love the 3.5 motor it has very good performance and okay mileage. I have nothing bad to say about it. Great car

  6. 2017 GLE, 10k miles on odometer and had already been 4 times in the service due to check engine light issue. Never again MB.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Pavel,
      Thank you for your comment. Sorry to hear that you have had so many issues with your GLE. I hope that you have been able to resolve them and if you are based in the UK and looking for an alternative vehicle I am sure that someone on our team would be happy to help you.

    2. Thanks for your review it has put me off buying a GLE! Last Merc I bought 1968 c class rusted away as I watched. Had Toyota land-cruisers 3 from new no problems other than awful Satnav . Now on Lexus RX 450

      1. Rachel Richardson

        Hi Michael,
        Sorry to read that you had to watch that happen to your car. Pleased to hear that you have found something that suits you better now.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Ross,
      Thank you for posting your opinion. It’s always great to hear from someone who enjoys the car they have purchased.

  7. Having owned Mercedes for the past 35 years I can honestly say the 1970s Models were superb and I firmly agree with the OP as to the engines being robust and well built but the new technology is letting down the brand seriously. We had our fleet of mercedes cars running around the clock as limousines and one did over 300k in with just one recond engine but it never let us down unlike the new models today from the year 2000 in the C class range. Then they suffered badly with rust around tjhe arches until 2006 and it was then that we saw a difference in the build quality again.
    Too much technology can create more issues to go wrong..Why there are many mercedes enthusiats who now invest in older mercedes for reliability.

  8. I have owned an ML 350 Bluetec for about 6 Months. Love the way the car drives and handles, very quiet and comfortable. But it is very expensive to maintain and service. I have already spent $2000+ USD due to faulty sensors in the emissions system. Plan to keep it a while unless the expense becomes unbearable.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Dan,
      It sounds as though you’ve had a bit of bad luck with your ML 350. I hope that you have managed to get the issues resolved. I have no doubt that our US readers will find this information regarding cost for repair for the issue that you have experienced.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Anne,

      Mercedes are good cars, however as we don’t know much about this car’s history, such as regular services etc, we are unable to comment further on whether this is a car you should purchase.

      1. Rachel Richardson

        Hi Lynn,
        Mercedes are good cars. However, as we are unaware of this particular car’s history, we would be unable to comment confidently on whether this 13 year old model would be good value for you at $6,000.

  9. I’ve owned a 200 c class 1998 model, the worst ever car I have ever owned. It ran only 290000 km before all sensors failed. The transmission failed to shilft, so usually had to run on it’s 1st gear. Oil consumption were high, 1l of oil every tank filled and at the end it caught fire. I managed to distinguish the fire, but problems kept coming, Oil consumption was high and always been, Gearbox was bad from whenever I bought the car, electronics was worse than I would ever i imagine, but it was mercedes, and everyone told me that if I was treatening it right it would last for ages. The car is the worst car I have ever owned, and one of the cars I have owned is a 1984 Ford sierra 2.0l, This was running twice the distance with no other issues than at the end leaking a lot of water trough the chassis, but rather that, than with my mercedes which required constantly maintenance and always the worry if it would start in the morning, and if it did would it run the distance required without breaking down. This is my experienc with merceds cars and that is why I never will buy anither one again!

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Arild,
      It sounds as though you have not had the best of luck with your C200, I hope that you are able to find a car which better suits your requirements and causes you less issues than you are currently experiencing.

  10. Most of the complaints actually come from people who buy those cars second hand and treat them as if they are pickup trucks. To make things even worse, when something happens to those cars they take them to inexperienced mechanics that have absolutely no clue how to deal with such cars. The mechanics will complain and of course no mechanic will ever say that he doesn’t know how to fix a car so they improvise and ruin other stuff in the car or they will just suggest replacing so many things hoping that one of those many part will be the right one which will cost the customer thousands. For instance, I’ve seen so many incompetent mechanics that go and replace the entire set of struts in an airmatic system because they actually don’t know how to properly diagnose the system, which in the end turned out to be a simple leak in a valve or a hose. As the article mentioned those cars are loaded with technologies and need special care and some well-informed mechanic to work on them.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi John,
      Thank you for your comment. We use a variety of sources for the data we use in these articles, including warranty companies, manufacturers and product review sites such as Which? in order to ensure that the content we produce is balanced and unbiased. While it is true a lot of people will have complained about their vehicles, the data takes into account the amount of time vehicles are off the road, how much they cost to repair and various other factors.

      1. Hi Rachel,

        Thanks for your reply. The information I provided is from a long experience with Mercedes cars. I do agree on one important thing though and that is it is largely Mercedes fault of not providing enough information, tools and support for independent repair shops to help them diagnose their cars easily. The lack of knowledge is disastrous and the biggest loser from this Mercedes reputation. They do use complex technologies in their cars which is nice and they can be convenient but they also need to provide the tools and information for people on how to diagnose at least the common issues.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Joel,
      If you’re interested in finding out more about specific models in the range, we have a detailed review of the 2019 Mercedes C-Class Saloons on our YouTube channel, the review is incredibly comprehensive, talking about specifics. It can be found here:
      If you would like to speak with someone about your next car, please get in touch with Amanda on 01903 223391 and she will be able to help you.

  11. A very authentic and brief review of the car you have done Holly Martin, I actually didn’t know much about this car and your review is much clear. Thanks a lot

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Mike,

      We are happy that our review of Mercedes has proved helpful. We use multiple sources to ensure that all our reviews are unbiased and balanced so that they can help people make informed decisions when it comes to choosing their next vehicle.

  12. Hi
    I ve been driving Mercedes for 16years
    However I ve never drove used one I always drive brand new model
    I disagree with your low evaluation of the car and maker
    Mercedes is better than any luxurious American maker by far
    Never ever have problem with their engene or reliability
    It ran like horse
    I’m driving currently the slr/AMG coupe
    I have no problem with any feature of this car
    I give Mercedes company more than excellent

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hello Jean,
      Thank you for your comment on the reliability of Mercedes-Benz. It’s always good to hear from someone who has been driving (and loving) a vehicle by any manufacturer. The report that we have put together uses data from multiple sources who are looking specifically at the UK market, taking into account consumer reports, warranty information and data gathered regarding repair times, costs and other information relevant to reliability. This report is currently under review for update (August 2019) however, the information was correct according to sources at the time of writing.

  13. Bought my 2004 used c180 kompressor with 98000 on the clock 5 years ago. Apart from scheduled service, nothing major has gone wrong. Changed tranny oil as there was a leak. Front and rear bushes and other minor wear and tear issues. Done 145000+ and drives even better. I think the buying a later model before a new facelift is the way to go as most issues will have been sorted out. In my opinion.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi John,
      It sounds as though you’ve had a great experience with your Mercedes. I am sure that as a long-term owner people will find the information helpful when they come to select their new vehicles. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Had a 2018 E Class Coupe for 9 months and the interior plastics, windows, seats and dashboard all rattle, creak, vibrate and crack, horribly screwed together and drives me mad, seems common in Mercs. Also my drivers seat has broken twice, rattles and creaks and comes loose. Had a 2018 C Class estate that rattled even more and had a 2018 GLC both courtesy cars which again rattled and creaked so it isn’t just my car. Mercedes really have scrimped on the interior quality, as a result I wouldn’t buy another Merc. I’ve had two Kia Cee’ds neither of which rattled, they had the odd creak from the dashboard, the Ford Focus I had didn’t rattle this bad nor did the Mondeo or Golf I had. Nice car to drive and full of tech, beautiful to look at and sit in, but lacks the quality which to me stops this from being a premium brand. My first and last Mercedes-Benz.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Thank you for your comment regarding your personal experience with the Mercedes. It is unfortunate that the style suited, but the manufacture didn’t. We are certain that if others are looking to purchase or lease they will find your views helpful.

      If you are looking for a car in the future, please contact Amanda on 01903 223391 and she will be able to pass you to one of our vehicle specialists who will be able to help you find a premium brand vehicle that fits your lifestyle and needs.

    1. Hi Elijah,

      Many thanks for your comment. According to the most recent reliability data, the C-Class Mercedes-Benz has an average reliability rating. If you are looking to purchase a used vehicle we would recommend you enquire with the current owner/dealership to ensure you have the full history of the vehicle (service history included).

  15. I’m looking into an E-Class for 2019 with the AMG Cladding Package, Exterior Lighting Package and Premium Package here in short order. This, after picking up a 2020 GLE more than 1 month ago. How’s the reliability on the ’19 E-Classes?

    1. Hi Sunil,
      Unfortunately, figures on reliability for these models aren’t available in the UK yet. As soon as they are, we will be adding this information to our site. However, our data is primarily UK-focused as we are a UK-based company.

  16. The review you have shared sounds great. I loved reading every bit of it. Earlier I was quite unsure about Mersedes-Benz, but your review made it clear.. Thanks for sharing…

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hello Joseph,

      We write these articles to help people make an informative decision on their next vehicle choice. We intend for them to be impartial as we are not suppliers of one specific manufacturer.

  17. I have a 2002 clk430 and has been the best car I have owned. Solid and reliable. Expensive to fix, but it’s not like you are getting an expensive repair every month. Once it is fixed correctly, you don’t have to go back and redo the problem.

  18. I have a 2005 SLK350. LOVE IT. Fun, attractive, non dated look. I take it to a reputable repair person, so once it’s fixed….that’s it. Averaging out the repairs, the timing of them and the years on the car… It comes out a good deal for me.

    1. Rachel Richardson


      Thank you for your comment on the reliability of your Mercedes. It’s always interesting to hear from those who have experience with the models we talk about.

      1. I have run an E220d from new (Jan 2018) and it has covered 22000 miles. It has been a joy to drive and not one problem has occurred. First class reliability and 43 mpg overall. Uses no oil. Handles well, so comfortable and quite nippy.

        1. Rachel Richardson

          Hi Tommy,

          Thank you for sharing your experience of owning a Mercedes with us, they are a very popular manufacturer and the E220d is one of the most frequently enquired about models.

  19. My 2015 E350 4matic has been extremely reliable in it 37K miles and certainly the best car I’ve owned, to date.

  20. Hie I,ve a C180 classic 1997 model with 250000km I love it I do service it myself here in South Africa and it just perform like it’s new just buy Google I can change anything on that car

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Thabiso,

      Thank you for your comments on your experiences with your classic Mercedes. Many of the older models were designed so that self-maintenance was much easier.

  21. I had a 2016 W205 C250 (petrol). I guess I’m the unlucky guy, since I had a lot of issues with it. Sure they were not major, but still annoying. The worst part for me was the build quality, lots of rattles…not at all what you would expect from that price range. I finally gave up and sold it couple of months ago. The good thing is that it sells very well…I sold it at a reasonable price within one week.

  22. Have always had mercs since 1974 and my present one is a 2006 220 cdi avantgarde with 172000 on the click and it goes like a bullet. Just service it when required.

  23. 2013 W204 C350 Repairs: Rear ride control shocks replaced at about 65K $1,650. Radiator replaced same time small pinhole leak $800. Front AMG rims replaced from pothole damage, I may have been running pressures too low $3,250. Current odometer 96k Love this car, best I ever owned. PS I do replace the tires annually at $800.

    1. Hi there Lesley, thank you for your question. Based on research, we’ve found that the SLK model rates on average fairly well for reliability. If you’re interested in securing a new Mercedes model today, get in touch with one of our Vehicle Specialists on 01903 538835.

  24. I just purchased a preowned 2015 gl 450. Driving home a malfunction light for the lift system went the dealer claimed they fixed it but in less than one week it was back on then on March 29 my daughter was driving on the New York State thruway and the suv lost power and stopped dealer now states the car got bad gas and needs fuel pump fuel injectors and fuel rails with the grand cost of $6000.00 gas station where I bought gas is denying bad gas and dealership blaming me help what really went wrong

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Thanks for your comment Susan, sorry to hear about your daughter’s experience. In the UK we have governing bodies such as the financial conduct authority and the BVRLA that customers could go to in certain situations. Purchases are also covered by the consumer rights act 2015. However, being UK based we are unable to advise on policies within the US.

  25. Hi can anybody help me I have a 2011 Mercedes c 300 I am the 5th owner of this car I am having electrical problems do to water being on my floor board took it to the dealer they want me to scrape the car but at the time I didn’t have full coverage on my car so now I am stuck with a 14,000 car bill what should I do now any suggestions

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Filma, thank you for your query. We would advise getting taking your vehicle to another Dealer for a second opinion to give you a wider overview of the problem and see if they provide a similar diagnosis.

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