Car not on the DVLA database?

Why is my car not showing on the DVLA database?

You’ve got your new car, and you want to check something on the DVLA database. Maybe you want to check when your car tax is due, or you just want to have a look to make sure it’s on there. But, it’s nowhere to be found. 

Why is that? 

There are a couple of reasons why your car is not showing on the DVLA database. We’ve advised people on this before so we’ve written an article explaining what the DVLA is, why your car might not be on it, and what you can do about it.

What is the DVLA?

Firstly, what is the DVLA? The DVLA is the Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority. It’s a government body that is the national centre for issuing licenses and registering cars. It is also where points are added and where you register your car as off the road. It’s also where all new cars are registered. 

The DVLA is the only place of its kind. 

Who is responsible for registering my car on the DVLA database?

The dealership is the one responsible for registering the car. It’s completely down to them. However, sometimes the dealership will need extra information from you which you will need to provide. If they don’t have all the relevant information, they might not be able to register your car on the DVLA. 

It should be noted here that a dealer should never release a car that has not been registered with the DVLA. This means it’s rare for your new vehicle NOT to be showing on the database. 

Car is not showing on the DVLA - man smiling while on the phone

Why is my car not showing on the DVLA?

Dealerships are allocated the registration number of a car about a week or two before it is due for delivery. However, they will not register the car with the DVLA until the day of delivery. The main reason for this is that they don’t want to tax and register a car, only for the order to be cancelled. It’s as simple as that. 

So, one of the main reasons why your car is not showing on the DVLA database is that it hasn’t been registered yet. 

Also, the DVLA is a national body. So, you can imagine how many thousands of cars are registered on it every day. This means that your car may not appear on the DVLA database until a few days after the delivery. This is because of the sheer volumes that are registered on a daily basis. 

If you’ve just got your car and it’s not on there, then give it a couple of days and check again. 

Still not there? 

There is another reason why your car is not showing on the DVLA. It’s very rare, but we have seen it happen before. So, what is it? The wrong plate has been put on your car. An example of this is: 

  • Your car has been allocated the registration number ABC
  • The plate on your car says ABD when it arrives

This is easily fixed if this is the case. Then the dealer will just issue the right plate to you. It’s very easily fixable.

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What should I do if my car is not registered with the DVLA?

If you have noticed that your car is not on the DVLA database then this is what you do. 

First off, don’t panic. It’s fixable and the process is very simple. It’s also worth remembering that this is not your fault so there’s nothing to worry about. 

You need to contact your broker or supplying dealer immediately. If the dealership is in the wrong, then they’ll sort it with no problem. If the dealership says they have done everything right, then you have to contact the DVLA. 

If you’re leasing a car, it’s at this point that you need to contact the finance house. This is because, on a contract hire, the finance house is the registered keeper of the car. Therefore, the dealership would have registered it to the finance house and they are the ones that need the DVLA to rectify the issue.

Car is not showing on the DVLA - woman looking at a laptop while on the phone

Should I check if my car is on the DVLA when it’s delivered?

You might be wondering ‘is it vital that I check my car is registered?’. 

Not really, no. If your car is not showing on the DVLA then it will be flagged up pretty early on. Insurance companies use similar databases so they will alert you if they can’t find your car. 

If they don’t, then the police will. The police use the same database as well. Again, it’s no big deal; they know that it’s not your fault. 

Regardless of how or when it gets flagged up, you can get it sorted in no time. 

How can I get insurance if my car is not showing on the DVLA?

Now, you might be thinking ‘well, how can I insure my car if it’s not even on the DVLA?’. And, you are right to ask that. These days, many insurance companies use automated systems. To get a quote, you simply put in your registration. But, how can you do that if it’s not registered? 

We get asked this quite a lot. We recommend our customers to ring the insurance company, explain the situation and tell them why it’s not appearing on the database. They should be able to give you an insurance quote based on the specification and the P11d value

Where can I check if my car on the DVLA database?

There are multiple sites that come up when you search on the internet for a vehicle checker. However, the best one to use is the DVLA vehicle checker

You will need to know the vehicle’s make and registration. You can find out everything from: 

  • When the MOT expires
  • When the current tax expires
  • The date it was registered
  • The year of manufacture
  • CO2 emissions

And pretty much everything else you would want to know about your car. Including the colour. 

There could be a few reasons as to why your car is not showing on the DVLA, but the chances of it happening are very slim. If it isn’t, then it’s down to either the dealership or the DVLA to rectify the problem. As we’ve said many times during this article, it’s a problem that is very easily resolved. 

If you wish to find out more detail about a car registration – e.g. address of the registered owner – you will need to write to the DVLA as this information is not available via their online portal. 

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85 thoughts on “Why is my car not showing on the DVLA database?”

  1. I work at ASDA and I was trying to check details of abandoned cars. One car- a 2003 reg – does not appear on the DVLA site but does appear on Europarts with correct description………
    Any ideas why?
    I tried to call DVLA but telephone is busy all day…..

    1. Debbie Kirkley

      Hi David
      Thanks very much for your message. The Europarts system would be pulling in data provided by the DVLA, so it is strange. DVLA do take a while to get through to, so I am afraid you need to hold for them.
      Sorry I can’t be of more help, but appreciate you getting in touch

  2. hi, I was due to take delivery of a new car on 25th July. The dealer was driving it to me, but was involved in an accident. I had the number plate ready to ring my insurers to update them. I did have a look on the DVLA site at the time, but the reg they gave me didn’t show. The dealer has ordered me another car, but the date for that keeps changing. I know I am being cynical but how would I know that the car that was hit, has not just been repaired? I rang the DVLA today re the original number plate and they do not have it. They said the car might have been de-registered. Surely though, on the day of delivery, the dealer would have had to register it to drive it to me. I do not know the extent of the damage to the car, only that the person the driver hit, was claiming on insurance, so that then would devalue the new car, hence them ordering a new one. I did not know the chassis number of the one that got hit.

    1. Hi Frances, Vehicles are now registered by Dealers online, some Dealers do register vehicles while the vehicle is on route to the customer and the driver is using trade plates to drive legally on the highway. So it is possible that the accident happened and they held back on registering the vehicle. It would be highly unlikely a Dealership would come up with such an elaborate plan so the circumstances are probably true, just very unlucky.

      1. Thank you. Yes, i know.. just the way they sort of keep changing dates, and don’t answer things.

        So, no, I am sure it was not a plan, but wondering if they are now fixing the car that had the accident, as I said I would not accept it, even if a bumper repair etc.

        1. an update. The dealer had given me the reg – but he had transposed two letters. That car is registered as is the new one I am getting, hopefully this week. Many thanks for replying and phew, at least all above board – which it no doubt was anyway, but the reg confused the issue

  3. My husband bought a brand new bike and the dealership was to register it. After the bike being delivered and braking down issues started with the dealership. I checked the database and discovered the bike was released to us in September but was not registered until October this has been confirmed by the DVLA and they have said the bike should not have been on the road i.e. Released to us. What can I do about this? Isn’t this a criminal offence?

    1. Driving any vehicle on the public road which is not taxed is an offence, it also means that even if you had Insurance you probably would have been uninsured, however, the DVLA are sometimes wrong! We would suggest that you write to the Dealer you purchased the bike from asking for evidence that they did tax the bike on the day of delivery or before and give them a deadline of say 14 days. If you get an unsatisfactory or no reply then I would inform them that unless they come up with a satisfactory solution in “x” number of days you would in the interest of others have to report them to the DVLA, the bike Manufacturer and the police.

  4. Thank you for your amazing article ! I was getting worried that my brand new 2018 Citroen C1, which I bought was not showing up on the DVLA and I can’t insure it, the dealership gave me the registration, and now this has given me peace of mind, I will try to insure it on the date it’s delivered to dealership / when I get the phone call saying its ready to collect!
    Thank you, this has helped me a lot !

  5. My car is in the DVLA database but there is no car in the UK insurance system, who is guilty that I could not insure the car
    throughout 2018, despite the fact that was paid road tax and current MOT I have suffered losses from no insurance companies to insure my car

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Miron,
      I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had this issue. In these situations we recommend that you contact the insurance companies directly. If the car is on the DVLA website then it is likely an issue on their systems. I hope that you have luck going forward.

  6. I was give a registration by the police at the scene of an accident where I had been injured and later by email. This registration number does not appear on the DVLA system and had subsequently caused problems with the claim. How can this happen?

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Gary,
      I am really sorry to hear that you have had an accident and experienced subsequent issues. There are several reasons why a vehicle might not be on the DVLA website:
      1: It’s brand new – it is the responsibility of a dealership to register a new vehicle with DVLA
      2: It’s a kit car
      3: It’s imported
      4: It’s been rebuilt or radically altered
      5: It’s an old or classic car

      However, there should be a fund with your insurer that covers accidents where there is no one to claim from. I am sorry that we can’t offer you further advice on this incident and I hope that you get a satisfactory resolution.

  7. Hi Gary, This is a really interesting article. I wonder if you could offer some advice. I bought a used car from a Land Rover dealership in 2014. The car was 9 months old, 9,000 miles, 2 previous owners and a full service history. The car was very clean and nothing untoward.

    I’ve recently come to sell the car and I’m having real difficulty getting a valuation from any garage. All of the online valuation tools cannot find my vehicle. This seems to be stopping any deal offering me a price for the car.

    I can find it on the DVLA vehicle details but no third party system can find it. I’m making an assumption but I presume each of these tools like parkers, webuyanycar, Arnold Clarke, etc. pull the details from the DVLA? I can’t find a link on the DVLA site or support article for anything like this.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Matt,

      This is nothing to worry about. You should be able to manually put the details of your car and get a valuation. It is possible it’s an error in the software. If the car is on the DVLA website then there is nothing to worry about.

      If you would like any help in finding your new car, please get in touch with Amanda on 01903 223391 and she will be able to pass you to one of our experienced vehicle specialists.

  8. H
    New car delivered 31st July checked DVLA brief information on there regarding car but then doing insurance quotes registration number not found, called insurance companies and still being refused insurance as unable to find the car , roughly how long does it take for insurance companies to see the information on DVLA database?


    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Carole,

      Thank you for your enquiry regarding the DVLA.

      Insurance companies are generally aware that lease cars can take a little time to appear on the DVLA website and would insure them anyway.

      We hope this information helps.

  9. Hi, would the DVLA database also hold information about cars with private registration? I am trying to find details of car which appears to have a private reg and everywhere I check the reg is invalid. I have tried “” and tried “” but all show the reg as invalid

  10. There is a newish maybe 2017 Range Rover that someone living near me has and is used regularly the guy has had it about six months but when I put the registration number in to find out more about the car I am told that it does not exist why should this be.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      There are several reasons why this may be the case, from it being a relatively new personalised number plate to it having been recorded incorrectly on the DVLA website.

  11. Clearly explaining the rare situations and listing the solutions sounds good. Helpful, and thank you for sharing. Kindly update us regularly like this.

    1. Why can my partner not get insurance on his car which has been registered with dvla but insurance companies are saying its not on data base but dvla are saying it is, can not do it on specs either because UK doesn’t recognise Irish specs for his car

  12. A lady blocked me in a car park so I couldn’t access my car, her attitude riled me, she wasn’t apologetic and suggested I climb across my passenger seat to get in. She said if she parked properly she wouldn’t have been able to get out of her car. On checking her registration number on DVLA, is does not show up. Is there somewhere to report unregistered cars to?

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Joanne,

      It is possible her vehicle is new, or recently transferred, and as previous people have mentioned, there are often vehicles that don’t show up on the DVLA website. If this is something you are concerned about, you report it to the Department for Transport on their website.

    1. Rachel Richardson

      Hi Maurice,

      According to the DVLA website it can take up to 5 days for records to show any updates – even if they are made online.

  13. Bought car 3 month ago but because iam abroad working didn’t take care of the registration but i have the new keeper green slip the problem is can’t find the number plate in DVLA database and not been able to tax the car on-line. What should I do? Tanks

  14. I am hoping someone can help me, I am trying to sell my car which I purchased with a personal plate on, I have the logbook showing the correct reg.I have taxed insured and mot this car, but when I try and part exchanged on line it brings a different make and model of car. What is wrong here.thank you

  15. The car I hired did not show up in the database to set it up on my TFL account and I later received a penalty charge. I believe because it was very new as it only had 20 miles on the odometer. How can I rectify this matter?

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi Heather, thank you for your query. Firstly, contact the DVLA and inform them about the situation. Any new car must be registered so it could be that it’s taken some time to show up or the number plate is incorrect. Then you should contact TFL and the company you hired the car from, and inform them both about the situation. We hope this helps, do you have any further questions?

  16. Hi,

    I’m saw a car for sale with personalised/private plates. The VRM doesn’t show on DVLA mot check. It’s definitely entered correctly as I taken a photo of it and entered it letter by letter.
    Do private plates not come up?

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there John thank you for your query. We would advise checking if you have correctly entered any zeros for ‘o’s or vice versa. Once you have tried this, go onto the Government website and enter all possible versions of the private plate. Another possibility is that the vehicle may have had the number plates left on, but has been put back on retention meaning the vehcle will have its original number plate. If this is the case you should contact the owner of the vehicle for further information. We hope this helps, do you have any futher questions?

    1. Hello Valbhav, thank you for your query. It could be that the insurance company has not yet updated the system, and because of this, your car registration will not appear on the website. If your new vehicle still does not appear on the Motor Insurance Database upon arrival of your vehicle, do not worry. Simply ensure you carry your policy documents with you at all times when driving your vehicle. Please do not hesitate to reach out again, should you have any further questions.

  17. Hi, I have arranged to buy a car from a reputable garage. The car is an ex MOD car. The registration number appears on DVLA but is not on the insurance company’s website. Will this resolve itself or is it something I should worry about?

    1. Hi there Kath, thank you for your query. We would recommend contacting the insurance company directly and explaining the situation. We hope this helps, do you have any further questions?

  18. My car is registered 2 weeks ago in the UK (imported, non UK) but I can find my model on insurance portals. I have Lexus RX 300 but under my registration only 3 models available and all are Lexus RX 200t.

    1. Hi there Grant, you need to contact your broker or supplying dealer immediately. If the dealership is in the wrong, then they’ll sort it with no problem. If the dealership says they have done everything right, then you have to contact the DVLA. You can contact them on: 0300 790 6801 they are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm and Saturdays, 8am to 2pm.

  19. I have a old green v5 tax book the car has been of the road from 1999 how do I get a new v5c tax book when the car is not on the DVLA site

    1. Hi there Kennedy, if your car has been off the road since 1999 and is not currently registered with the DVLA, you will need to apply for a new V5C registration certificate before you can tax or use the vehicle on the road again. To apply for a new V5C certificate visit the website here

  20. Hi. I bought my car as an import from Belgium and picked it up from a dealer near Heathrow in 2002 . It needs scrapping now but the registration number is not coming up on the DVLA website and I can’t get a response from any scrap dealers . Is this important in order to scrap it as I don’t want to be responsible for the car any more. Thanks.

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there, thank you for your query. It is important to properly notify the DVLA that you are scrapping your car, as failure to do so may result in you being held responsible for any issues related to the vehicle, such as fines or taxes.

      Since your car was imported from Belgium, it is possible that the registration number may not be recognized by the DVLA system. In this case, you should contact the DVLA directly to inform them of your intention to scrap the car. You can do this by calling them at 0300 790 6802 or by filling out a V890 form and sending it to DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BD.

      Additionally, you should ensure that you only deal with reputable scrap dealers who are registered with the DVLA as an authorized treatment facility (ATF). They will be able to provide you with a Certificate of Destruction (CoD) once they have scrapped the vehicle, which is proof that the car has been disposed of properly.

      It’s also worth noting that you will need to return the vehicle’s registration certificate (V5C) to the DVLA once the car has been scrapped. If you don’t have the V5C, you will need to complete a V62 form to apply for a new one.

      By following these steps, you can ensure that your car is properly scrapped and that you are not held responsible for any future issues related to the vehicle.

  21. Hi i have a new LMI electric car reg FX22ECJ its not on the database and i cannot get insurance for it it is currently sorned can you advise how to get insurance i have the v5 logbook thanks

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Tim, thank you for your query. You are correct the vehicle is registered on the DVLA database, I would imagine the issue is you will have to find a specialist insurer who has this vehicle on their database. Perhaps ask the existing owner who they used to insure it.

  22. Hi, I will be moving from England to Northern Ireland and taking my car with me. Do I need to re-register the car when I get there, and can I keep the same number plate?

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Sue, thank you for your query. If you are moving to Northern Ireland from England with your car, you do not need to re-register your car when you arrive. You can keep your current UK registration number if you wish, and you do not need to obtain an Irish registration number unless you become a resident in Ireland for more than 12 months.

      However, you will need to notify the Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA) in Northern Ireland of your move and provide them with your current UK registration certificate (V5C). You will also need to provide evidence of your new address in Northern Ireland, such as a utility bill or bank statement, and pay any applicable fees. Additionally, you will need to ensure that your car meets Northern Ireland’s roadworthiness standards, which include passing an MOT test.

      It is also recommended that you inform your insurance provider of your move to Northern Ireland, as insurance premiums can vary between different regions of the UK. We hope this helps, do you have any further questions?

  23. Graham Hewitt

    We see a parked car and driven near our home It is usually parked on double yellow lines.. It does not come up n DVLA database. I have reported to Police and DVLA nothing happened

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Graham, if you have already reported the parked car to the police and DVLA, and nothing has happened, there are a few other options you can try:

      Contact your local council: The council is responsible for enforcing parking regulations in their area. They may be able to take action against the owner of the vehicle for parking on double yellow lines.

      Leave a note on the car: You can leave a polite note on the car asking the owner to park somewhere else. However, be careful not to be confrontational or aggressive.

      Speak to your neighbors: It’s possible that one of your neighbors knows who the car belongs to. They may be able to help you track down the owner and ask them to move the car.

      Keep documenting: Make sure to keep a record of the car’s registration number, the dates and times it’s parked on the double yellow lines, and any other relevant information. This may be useful if you need to escalate the issue further.

      Seek legal advice: If the car continues to cause a nuisance, you may want to consider seeking legal advice from a solicitor or lawyer. They can advise you on your options and help you take legal action if necessary.

      It’s important to note that taking matters into your own hands, such as moving or damaging the car, is illegal and can result in serious consequences. It’s best to try the above steps and follow legal procedures to resolve the issue.

  24. Provided I can get it insured, can I drive my new motorhome before the DVLA get it registered on their system?

  25. HI, I am looking to privately purchase a vehicle but it does not appear to be registered even though it is constantly used. I cannot find any information on the vehicle J31DJT. is this vehicle legal?

  26. Hi
    I have just purchased a brand new motorhome & the registration is not showing up yet & we are due to collect it tommorrow.
    The dealer is saying that we can still drive it away as it has been logged at DVLA, althought not showing as registered
    Does this sound correct ?
    And although I have it insured, will the insurance be valid ?

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Chris, thank you for your query. In this case, it is important to clarify the specific details with your dealer and insurance provider. While the dealer claims that the motorhome has been logged at DVLA, it is best to confirm the status of the registration directly with DVLA or your dealer. As for the insurance validity, it is advisable to consult your insurance provider to ensure that the coverage is in effect even if the registration is not yet showing. They will be able to provide accurate information regarding your insurance coverage during this period.

      It’s always recommended to verify the registration status and insurance coverage to avoid any potential complications or misunderstandings. Your dealer and insurance provider will have the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding your specific situation.

  27. We just purchased a brand new skoda car. When we went to collect it we were told it could not be registered as the model did not exist on the dvla system.
    Skoda discontinued the specific model but our car had still had not been registered. It’s the only unregistered one left in the country so a bit of a nightmare.
    We can’t drive the car and it can’t be taxed. The dealer showed us the car but without being registered it’s a giant paperweight. Waiting to hear what Skoda plan to do about it.

  28. Hi, ive just put a deposit on s car at a main dealership. Its 16 months old (kia) The reg isnt coming up on insurance comparison websites or dvla. Is it advisable to get the dealer to sort or is it easy for me to do? I obviously need to drive it as soon as I collect it. Any advice please – thanks

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there, congratulations on your new Kia! This could be related to administrative factors. To ensure a smooth transition and get you driving as soon as possible, it might be a good idea to check with the dealership first. They should be able to assist you in getting the correct details sorted.

  29. Hi there, I plan on buying a Japan imported vehicle, but everytime I type down the registration on an insurance’s site to see how much it would cost me to have it insured, it’s not showing up and it makes it impossible for me to get a quote. What can I do in this case?

    1. Hi there Ely, it’s exciting that you’re considering a Japan-imported vehicle! I understand the frustration of not getting an insurance quote online. With unique imports, online systems might miss the details. I suggest directly contacting insurance providers. Chatting with them about your vehicle can help you get a tailored quote. Give them a call or visit their office for accurate information on insuring your new car.

  30. I have seen a 2012 car I wish to purchase from a used dealership , I have done a quick mot history check and car checker vehicle check which is showing something I have never seen before, the car shows as not being scrapped ,written off, no out standing hpi or any logbook ect . All of which is good, but what is confusing is that it is showing the car as not being registered with dvla until 2018 . 6 years after production of its number plates and the Mot,s don’t start until then either , but the first Mot shows a Millage of 80 000 so the car was clearly in use for the first 6 years . What is really confusing is The model ,body style ,engine number, transmission ect all show as not available on the vehicle history checker. How is this possible .?
    The first part with the registration I thought could possibly have been due to private plates but now I am just confused .

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there, thank you for your query. We recommend getting in touch directly with the used dealership. They might have insights or explanations that aren’t captured online. Their information could help provide a clearer picture before you make your decision.

    1. Hi there Paul, thank you for your query. To address this, you might want to consider the following steps:

      Double-check Information: Ensure that the details you entered are accurate. Sometimes, a small error can lead to discrepancies.

      Contact DVLA: Reach out to DVLA customer support directly to inquire about the issue. They should be able to assist you in locating your plate and resolving any database-related problems.

      Plate Transfer Status: If you recently purchased the private plate, it might be in the process of being transferred. Check the status of the transfer, and DVLA should provide information on its progress.

      If the problem persists, DVLA customer support would be the best point of contact for a resolution. They can provide specific details about your case and guide you on the next steps.

  31. Hi – I’ve bought a 2nd hand car and have completed a HPI check which came back all good without issues. I’ve also checked DVLA website and the car has Road Tax for 5 months. Having sent the the V5c form back to DVLA, they have responded back to me with car not in their database and the VIN I sent them is not valid. what should I do next?

    1. Hi there Ashfaq, we recommend reaching out to the DVLA directly to clarify the situation. Provide them with all the relevant details, including your HPI check results and road tax information. They should be able to guide you on the next steps to ensure your car’s proper registration.

  32. Hi i received my log book from dvla for my imported car but when i try to go through insurance it not comes on system even though car has road tax and pass mot

    1. Hi there Qamar, it’s unfortunate that you’re facing issues with your imported car not showing on the DVLA database despite having road tax and passing the MOT. Here are some possible reasons and steps you can take:

      Processing Time: Sometimes, it takes a bit of time for the DVLA database to get updated. It’s possible that your information is still in the process of being added.

      Correct VIN/Chassis Number: Ensure that the VIN or chassis number provided to the DVLA matches the one on your log book. A small error can lead to discrepancies.

      Contact DVLA: If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the DVLA directly. They can provide insights into the status of your vehicle registration.

      Insurance Company: Keep your insurance company informed about the situation. They might have specific procedures or advice on dealing with such cases.

      Remember, each case can be unique, and direct communication with the DVLA and your insurance provider will be crucial.

  33. I got new car Toyota voxy it a import from Japan the car has been registered with DVLA all most 3 weeks but I can’t get insured on it when I put my reg it comes as incorrect numberplate I just don’t understand what to do I have mot and the road tax is there anyone can help me what can I do or do I have to wait even longer

    1. Hi Shamroz. It seems like there might be a discrepancy between the registration details provided to the DVLA and what is being recognised by insurance companies. This could be due to various reasons such as data entry errors or delays in updating records.

      Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:

      Double-check the registration details: Make sure the registration details you’re entering match exactly what is on your registration document (V5C).

      Contact the DVLA: Reach out to the DVLA to confirm that your car’s registration details are correctly recorded in their database. They may be able to provide guidance on any discrepancies and help rectify the issue.

      Contact your insurance provider: Inform your insurance company about the issue you’re facing with registering your car for insurance. They may be able to assist you in verifying the details or suggest alternative solutions.

      Be patient: Sometimes, it can take time for databases to update and synchronise. While waiting for the issue to be resolved, ensure that you have all the necessary documents such as the V5C, MOT certificate, and road tax.

      I hope this helps, and that you’re able to resolve the issue soon.

  34. Our new reg for an imported vehicle is showing up on and DVLA but not with any insurance companies. We have the V5 log book, mot, tax etc. but cannot insure it as the BMI have not categorised it so we keep getting rejected by the insurance companies. We need to insure it as we need to book airport parking next week for our flight back to sort out our villa sale. Phoned DVLA and they can’t help. We’ve had the reg for over a week now, will it ever show up for insurance?

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi there Michelle, thank you for your query.

      Here are a few steps you can take:

      Contact your insurer directly: Sometimes, speaking to an agent can help them manually enter your vehicle details.
      Try different insurers: Some companies might have updated databases faster than others.
      Check with the DVLA again: Ensure all details are correctly registered and ask for any advice they might have on speeding up the process.
      Temporary insurance: Consider getting temporary insurance to cover your immediate needs until the system updates.

      Hope this helps, and good luck with your villa sale!

  35. Hi, after signing the agreement forms for a New Mini Cooper on 10/08/2024 we were told MINI will not be releasing the car for delivery for a few weeks. The dealer could not give a delivery date. Should the delay fall on or after 1 Sept are we entitled to a 74 registration rather than the 24 number allocated by the dealer? The 24 number is allocated but not registered with the DVLA.

    1. Charlotte Stone

      Hi Andrew, thanks for reaching out. If the car isn’t registered with the DVLA yet, and the delivery falls after 1st September, you might indeed be eligible for the newer 74 registration instead of the 24. It’s worth discussing this with your dealer to clarify your options and ensure you’re getting the best possible outcome. Good luck with your new Mini Cooper!

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