Government plan to change roadwork rules to reducce congestion

OSV - congestion charge changesYou know how it is: You know that our roads need to be maintained now and then, but you just wish they weren’t doing it today.

Why can’t they dig up the roads when you’ve not got somewhere important to be?

Prolonged roadworks are a real hassle, especially when they slow down your commute to work with excessive congestion, and now the government are making plans to crackdown on the disruption they cause.

The government is planning to recommend that road-maintenance work is carried out 7 days a week, and they may also fine utility companies and councils £5,000 per day if road works inconvenience drivers without good reason – such as at the weekend when the workers down their tools but leave the equipment in the way.

Charges may also be brought against companies who leave temporary traffic lights at the maintenance sites even when the work has been finished.

Gaz, a road worker from Bromley, says he and his mates often leave behind temporary traffic lights “for a laugh.”

“We’d nip into The Black Horse for a pint across the road and watch drivers get annoyed when the light was on red for ages – even though no work was being carried out!”

The government wants workers to either work the weekend in a bid to speed up a project, or remove equipment so that motorists are not inconvenienced.

Transport minister Patrick McLoughlin said: “I want to deliver better journeys for drivers. Roadworks can be essential, but that doesn’t mean they should be in place any longer than is absolutely necessary. That is why I am looking at proposals to reduce queues and make drivers’ lives easier.

“These common-sense measures will be a welcome relief to those trying to get from A to B on our local roads.”

The crux of the problem is that maintenance works to ‘A’ roads needs to be done, but the government wants councils and utilities companies to find ways of quickening up the process.

Presently, said companies and councils are charged £5,000 a day for roadworks that are not finished on time.

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