On the Road

Citroen e-C4 review

Citroën e-C4 Review: Electrifying Comfort?

Looking for an electric family car? Meet the Citroën e-C4, the electrified version of the popular C4 Coupe SUV. It’s part of the growing trend of electric SUVs. Competing with models like the Peugeot e-2008 and Kia e-Niro, as well as hatchbacks like the Nissan Leaf and Volkswagen ID.3, what sets the e-C4 apart?

Citroën e-C4 Review: Electrifying Comfort? Read More »

A graphic image with text in orange and green that reads

5 most common car problems you can fix at home

Do you ever hear your car make a weird noise and wish you knew what it was? What about a time when your car didn’t feel quite right? Have you ever wished you just had that little bit of extra knowledge about cars so you could know what was wrong without having to take it to a garage?
Well, cringe at your lack of car knowledge no longer. In this article, we look at some of the common problems people have with their cars and the best way to fix them.

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Is an electric vehicle right for me?

If you’re thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle, but feeling a little bit anxious having heard various things about their limitations, we aim to alleviate some of that anxiety. In this article we look at the cars available, some of the grants that you can get if you decide to go electric, and plans being made for a more effective electric vehicle infrastructure in the UK.

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What is the Green Cross Code and why is it important?

The Green Cross Code is remembered primarily because of the cult 1970s campaigns, but the message is an important one of road safety. So, what exactly is the Green Cross Code and why is it something that everyone should be aware of?
In this article we take a look at the campaigns and the message behind the six step road safety rule.

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Wha's the difference between an MOT and a service?

What’s the difference between an MOT and a service?

Ensuring that your vehicle (if it’s 3 years old or more) has a valid MOT is a legal requirement. A service is a voluntary check that, as a broker, we would recommend you have regularly to ensure that any issues with your vehicle are resolved before you are presented with a very high bill. So, are they actually different?

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The current global situation - what's going to happen to my vehicle order?

The current global situation – What’s going to happen to my vehicle order?

If you’ve got a car on order and you’ve already been informed about delays to your delivery it’s going to be frustrating. We’ve put together an article explaining what’s happening behind the scenes and offering a few suggestions for solutions if your lease is about to end and you need a vehicle quickly.

The current global situation – What’s going to happen to my vehicle order? Read More »

Road Tax - 2020 changes

Road Tax – what are the changes in 2020?

The Road Tax changes for 2020 might seem confusing, as there don’t appear to be any increases in cost. However, if you are registering your vehicle with the DVLA for the first time, there will be a difference in cost if you wait until after April 6th, 2020. Vehicles are now being tested using the more realistic WLTP and this has signalled a change in the band that your vehicle will be placed in for first year VED. So, if you have any questions, we’ve got the answers. Read our detailed article to find out more.

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Road trip tips for a safe and comfortable drive

Road trip tips

Are you going on a road trip this year? Perhaps you’re visiting family or friends, or just getting away for a holiday? Whatever it is, in this article we’ve put together some of our top tips for a safe and enjoyable trip. Whether you’re going alone and need to avoid the stress of traffic jams, or with the family and you need to keep the children amused so there isn’t a riot in the back seat.

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Driving in extreme weather conditions

Safety tips for driving in extreme weather

Weather is getting more extreme. We can’t deny this, it’s been happening for quite a few years now. Our winters are getting wetter and colder, our summers breaking heat records year on year, and that’s just the UK.

Because our weather is getting more extreme, we need to adjust. Whether that means you invest in an air conditioning system for your bedroom or consider triple glazing, we all need to adjust to this extreme weather.

But, we also need to make sure we adjust how we drive. Your driving should vary depending on the weather, and as the weather gets more extreme you will need to know how to navigate the roads safely.

So in this article, we are going to talk about how to drive safely in each extreme weather condition, including the extreme heat and cold, as well as rain and snow.

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how to keep your vehicle safe in winter

Keeping safe on the roads in winter

Winter has descended upon us, and quite quickly. Snow has already been and gone, and so has the shortest day of the year. However, while it might seem like it has already been winter for a long time, we still have a way to go before the leaves start reappearing on the trees and the birds start singing again. In the winter months, it’s important to keep safe when out on the road. So in this article…

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How long will it take for my car to be delivered?

How long will it take for my car to be delivered?

So you’ve ordered your car, now you just have to wait for it to be delivered. The thing is, your vehicle supplier hasn’t actually given you a specific date. We understand that this can be frustrating, you’ve bought something and now you want to know exactly when it will be in your possession; it’s fair enough.

Maybe you have to plan the sale of your current car, or perhaps your existing vehicle may be due to be handed back. Whatever your reasons, it is understandable that you want to have a clear understanding of timeframes.
At OSV, we have had years of experience working with all manufacturers and we understand the complexities and difficulties that can cause delays. Therefore, we have written this article to help you to fully understand how long your car might take to show up, which will enable you to be fully educated and put the right plans in place.

How long will it take for my car to be delivered? Read More »

Where does Vehicle Tax go?

Vehicle tax (car tax) or Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) is something that we all have to pay if we want to drive our cars. The same way you have to pay company car tax if you want to drive a company car. 

Like it or loathe it, it’s a necessary part of driving and living here in the UK. But, where does vehicle tax actually go? In this article, we explore where our vehicle tax goes and what exactly it pays for.

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New driving laws and changes to the MOT could incur unexpected costs

Did you know that a new list of things to check have been added to the MOT? Are you aware that learner drivers are now allowed on the motorway during lessons? These are just a few of the changes which have been taking place when it comes to driving over the last few months. Continue reading to find out more.

New driving laws and changes to the MOT could incur unexpected costs Read More »

a futuristic car with all the latest car technology

Car Technology

Technology is everywhere, and our cars are no exception, but despite all the sophisticated new features, seatbelts are considered the first – and best – line of defence against potential harm. With 63% of drivers saying that too much in-car tech can be a dangerous distraction, OSV Ltd wanted to know which tech drivers actually wanted, and which they could live without. In some cases, the answer seems to be ‘most of it’.

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White Skoda Karoq

Is it the SUV or is it the driver?

The number of SUVs in the list of the top twenty most popular vehicles has almost doubled since 2013, increasing from four to seven. However, new research by leading independent vehicle professionals, OSV Ltd, reveals that there seems to be a correlation in the growth in the number of people who think badly of the SUVs – and their drivers. Although just over a third (34%) of people said that they would consider buying an SUV in the future, more than half (54%) said that owners of these vehicles were some of the most annoying drivers on the road, a description most often used when referring to the driver of a more traditional 4×4.

Is it the SUV or is it the driver? Read More »

Business competition. Two colleagues having disagreement and conflict

Who is in more accidents? Men or women?

A few years ago, we reported that the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) found that men are more likely to be involved in crashes because of bad driving habits than women. These bad habits included driving too fast and drink-driving. They found that men were nearly twice as likely to be involved in a collision due to being careless, reckless or in a hurry. They also found that men are more likely to crash because of poor behaviour or inexperience. However, that was a few years ago, so is this still the case? In this article, we settle the argument once and for all and give you some top tips to stay safe on the roads…

Who is in more accidents? Men or women? Read More »

Toyota Mirai in black driving along a road with the desert behind it

What are hydrogen fuel cars? Are they are real possibility?

Electric cars have become hugely popular as of late. New registrations of plug-in cars have increased to more than 125,000 by the end of November 2017 and 126,000 electric vehicles were registered in 2017. So it’s safe to say the electric car market is growing. Now everyone knows how electric cars work, they work with a battery. However, there is a new type of electric car that could be coming to the market soon. We’re talking about hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. First coming to prominence at the Tokyo Motor Show, Toyota unveiled a concept car that ran on a hydrogen fuel cell. So what are hydrogen fuel cars? And are they a real possibility for the future? In this article…

What are hydrogen fuel cars? Are they are real possibility? Read More »

a metallic blue volkswagen touran parked on tarmac with green grass and the sea in the background

What are the safest cars in Europe?

Safety is hugely important when looking at a new car, and we are very lucky that our cars are safer than ever. Every car that goes on sale in the UK and Europe has to go through a safety test, called a Euro NCAP (New Car Assessment Programme) test. They are then given a rating, an NCAP rating, that shows you how safe the car is for drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Of course, you don’t have the time to go through every NCAP rating of every car on the market, so how do you know which cars are the safest? In this article…

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deployed airbag in a car

Is driving getting safer?

A few years ago we reported that the Department for Transport stated that driving was getting safer. And in 2016, there were 44% fewer fatalities due to car accidents than there were in 2006. Based on that statistic, driving is safer now than it was ten, eleven years ago. But is that really the case? And if so, why are our roads safer now than they were a decade ago? In this article, we look at whether driving really is getting safer, why driving is getting safer and some tips to stay safe on the road…

Is driving getting safer? Read More »

picture of a motorway in the daytime with cars driving quickly

What is the speed limit on the motorway? Has the speed limit increased?

Love them or loathe them, motorways have become a big part of modern driving. Despite their intimidating look, motorways are actually hugely safe and, as long as you stick to the speed limit, there is no real reason to hate them. So what is the speed limit on the motorway? And has it increased? In this article, we look at what the speed limit is on a motorway, whether it has increased recently and tips on staying safe on the motorway…

What is the speed limit on the motorway? Has the speed limit increased? Read More »

Orange and black Toyota Aygo in a warehouse at night

What Should I Buy As My First Car?

You’re about to take your driving test! The lessons, the money spent learning, the expectation from friends and family as well as knowing freedom is waiting for you at the end of the journey, the pressure can seem unbearable! However, passing the test is just the first hurdle. Buying your first car is by far a bigger challenge and can present more questions than you may have realised. You obviously want something that looks the part, is fun to drive but is also affordable. There’s nothing worse than having a great car all your friends are jealous of but not having enough money to fill it up with petrol…

What Should I Buy As My First Car? Read More »

Car being towed by yellow tow rope

8 tips for winter towing

We weren’t too far into December before we started having snow. While we didn’t get much here on the coast, there were plenty of places in the UK that had a fair bit. And as we all know, when the UK gets snow, everything comes to a stand-still. Trains get cancelled (at least they have an excuse this time), schools close, roads are closed and people are warned not to travel unless absolutely necessary. However, what if you do need to go out? Or worse, what if you attempted to go out and you’re car has gotten stuck? Or, what if you have a car that has towing capabilities, and you want to help those who are stuck in the bad weather?

8 tips for winter towing Read More »

woman in the car pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration

How to avoid getting stressed when stuck in traffic

Several years ago we reported that men got more stressed than women when stuck in a traffic jam. A study found that women’s stress levels increased by 8.7% whereas men’s stress levels increased by 60% when faced with a traffic jam. Regardless of who gets more stressed, getting stuck in traffic is tedious, stressful and can ruin a perfectly good journey. It can put you in a bad mood before or after work and can ruin your day if you let it. However, getting stressed isn’t the way forward when getting stuck in traffic. Stress can put pressure on your heart and cause dizziness and breathing problems and can make you do reckless or irresponsible things…

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petrol pumps of different colours with a person in a green suit holding one of the pumps

How to improve fuel efficiency

Whether you are aware of it or not, we waste a lot of fuel. It’s not something anyone does on purpose, it’s just something that happens when you drive a car. In 2010, Europeans wasted 2 billion litres of fuel a year costing £2.4 billion a year. 71% of motorists studied were driving with under-inflated tyres meaning 4.8 million tonnes of additional and unnecessary CO2 emissions annually. So what can we do to reduce the amount of fuel we waste? There are several things that you can do, these range from fairly big things to little things that you can do every day. In this article…

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man looking very angry and shouting in a car

What causes road rage? How can you overcome road rage?

Did you know that 61% of motorists in the UK say that they have suffered from a road rage attack while driving? This can be either physical or verbal, and three-quarters of drivers said they have experienced a “threatening gesture” from another user. That means that 80% of drivers, four out of every five drivers, have experienced road rage aggression. Interestingly, only 6% of these incidents get reported to the police. So what causes road rage? And, if you suffer from road rage, how do you overcome it? In this article, we look at what causes road rage, and some things you can do to stay calm on the road.

What causes road rage? How can you overcome road rage? Read More »

a silver car crashing into the back of a red car with two men in shirts and trousers at the scene

What are the different types of vehicle insurance fraud?

According to ABI, there were 125,000 dishonest insurance claims in 2016, these were valued at £1.3 billion. 57,000 insurance fraud cases were down to opportunists, making claims when they shouldn’t be. Despite the high numbers, there are many who do not know about the different types of insurance fraud, and how to spot if they have been a target. So what are the different types of vehicle insurance fraud, and how do you know if you’ve been a victim of insurance fraud? In this article, we look at the different types of insurance fraud, the signs you have been a victim of insurance fraud and how to avoid being a victim of insurance fraud…

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a red Volkswagen Golf next to some cliffs

Best-selling fleet vehicles of 2017

Whether we like it or not, 2017 is approaching its end. The John Lewis advert premiered not too long ago, and that’s a sure indicator of the fact that we are nearly at the end of the year. This year has been an interesting one, and despite uncertainty, car leasing has still maintained the popularity it has been enjoying the past few years. Both private leasing and business leasing are still hugely popular and continue to be on the rise. If you are considering refreshing your fleet, or even getting your first ever fleet, you might be wondering which vehicles to get. And, looking at the best vehicles of the year by sales is a good place to start. In this article, we look at the best fleet vehicles of 2017 to hopefully help you make a decision as to what fleet vehicle might be right for you.

Best-selling fleet vehicles of 2017 Read More »

20mph sign with trees in the background

10 tips for staying within the speed limit

It’s Road Safety week this week, and to bring awareness to this, we have produced a series of articles giving you advice on how to stay safe out on the roads as a driver, a cyclist and a pedestrian. But one thing we have yet to talk about is how to make sure that you are keeping within the speed limit. One of the top tips for keeping safe on the roads is to abide by the speed limit. After all, it is a limit for a reason, and much thought has been put into those limits. But many will know that sometimes that is difficult. You can get distracted, relax or go into a bit of a daydream and find your speed creeping up without you even realising. It’s not that you want to break the speed limit, but sometimes it happens. So in this article, we are going to look at 10 tips for staying within the speed limit…

10 tips for staying within the speed limit Read More »

family in brightly coloured clothing cycling along a country road on a sunny day

Rural road safety

In the UK, we are very lucky to have such a vast countryside, with gorgeous landscapes and rolling hills. And sometimes there’s nothing nicer than driving down a country road, enjoying the impressive views and the freedom of not being restricted by city driving. However, rural roads can be dangerous. More deaths occur on rural roads than they do on urban roads, making road safety in rural areas imperative. Whether you drive on rural roads on a regular basis or you are unfamiliar with driving in a rural area, we’ve provided you with some top tips to keep safe on rural roads as both a driver, and a walker…

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man in a suit with a briefcase walking along the pavement on a sunny day

Road safety for pedestrians

Now the clocks have turned back, it’s getting darker much earlier, which means you will very often find yourself walking in the dark. Be this back from the train station, walking your children back from an after-school club or Scouts or simply walking to and from meeting friends, the chances are you will find yourself walking when it is dark. Your safety as a pedestrian is important. While you are very safe when walking along the pavement, you are one of the most vulnerable groups, you don’t have a metal box to protect you if an incident occurs. So in this article, we are going to look at road safety for pedestrians with our top tips to stay safe….

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deer on a road with a car in the background

Road safety for drivers

Road safety is imperative. Cars are becoming safer, and the advances in technology mean that we have never been safer on the roads. In fact, Volvo have committed to ensuring that there are no deaths or serious injuries in their new vehicles from 2020. However, we are not 100% safe all of the time. And road safety is still just as important today as it was thirty, forty years ago when lane departure warnings didn’t exist. 27,130 people were killed or seriously injured in the year ending June 2017. There were 176,500 casualties if you include minor injuries. While this is actually a 5% fall in injuries and deaths from last year, it is still far too many. So in this article, we are going to look at some top tips for staying safe while driving, including on rural roads, on motorways and in cities.,,

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smartly dressed man in blue blazer and chinos with brogues riding a white bike in a city

Road safety for cyclists

Cyclists. Whether you love them or loathe them, the chances are you have an opinion on them. Possibly the most divisive topic when it comes to driving, cyclists are never far from a driver’s thoughts when they are on the road.

Regardless of your thoughts on the matter, you share the road with cyclists. And cyclists, you share the road with car and truck drivers. And whether you are a cyclist yourself or you are a driver, safety is very important.

In 2015, there were 18,884 incidents involving cyclists. This includes whether they were slightly injured, severely injured or killed. These are the latest figures that are available. It is also thought that this number is actually larger as many casualties aren’t reported to the police. In February this year (2017) it was reported that there has been a 50% rise in accidents between cyclists and pedestrians in seven years.

So regardless of whether you ride a bike, you are a driver or you are a pedestrian, keeping safe while cycling or around cyclists is absolutely imperative.

But how do you stay safe if you are a cyclist?

In this article, we look at road safety for cyclists.

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